March 25, 2023

Can Payday Loans Impact Your Ability to Get a Home Loan?

If you’re currently in the market to buy a home, you may be wondering how your past financial decisions may impact your ability to obtain approval for a home loan. This is a common question among households that are hoping to get a home loan to secure the home of their dreams, with many individuals …

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March 18, 2023

How Payday Loans Can Help You Get Back on Track to Financial Health

For many of us, the journey towards good financial health can be a long and winding one. Life can often get in the way and we can be caught short of being able to make a payment or don’t have the money to cover an unexpected expense. It’s easy to feel a sense of failure …

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March 15, 2023

Always Ask Yourself These 6 Questions Before Taking On More Debt!

Taking on more debt is a big decision. Not only can it impact your finances now, but it can and often does have a significant impact on your finances in the future. Consumer debt has been steadily increasing through time, thanks in part to the introduction of the credit card in the 1950s. With this …

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March 25, 2023

Top 10 Tips For Financial Success – Breezy Loans

Financial Success Is Only A Good Routine Away | Breezy’s Top Tips For Success When it comes to financial success, it can often feel like it’s much easier said than done. You have goals you want to achieve but you’re left wondering where to even start. Perhaps you want to completely overhaul your life and …

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March 25, 2023

Need to Save Money Fast? Breezy Can Help You Out!

There’s no doubt about it that saving money can be hard. We have so many expenses in life that the idea of trying to consistently put money into a savings account can seem almost impossible. Or is it? There are several different steps you can take to start building your savings account. While these steps …

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March 25, 2023

How To Stop An Impulse Purchase | Tips To Save Some Money

You’ve just seen something you absolutely must-have. You didn’t know you needed it before, but now that you’ve seen it, you can practically already picture it among your belongings. So you buy it. Even though you weren’t planning on spending the money. We’ve all been there. Impulsive buying can be dangerous for our wallets. sometimes …

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March 25, 2023

Is A Debt Consolidation Loan the Right Move for You?

Sometimes our finances can get away from us. Before you know it, you have so many different bills and payments going out of your account that you’re having trouble keeping track of everything. This is where debt consolidation can be a huge benefit to your finances and peace of mind. Not too sure what debt …

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March 25, 2023

Personal Loan Refinancing Made Easy | Look No Further Than Breezy Loans

If you’ve been paying off a personal loan for a while now you may have started thinking about ways to pay off your loan faster. Or, perhaps you’ve noticed that since you took out your loan some great new interest rates have appeared on the market. But, it’s too late now, right? You’re locked into …

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March 25, 2023

Pay Your Small Personal Loan Off Fast- Breezy Loans Can Show You How

It’s safe to say that having access to a small personal loan when you need one is nothing short of a huge relief. They can be just what you need to help you out of a tight spot. They’re also amazing if you were looking at a bigger purchase and don’t have the cash on …

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March 25, 2023

Credit cards vs Personal loans – The Pros and Cons

Credit Cards Vs Small Personal Loans | All You Need To Know When it comes to needing a bit of spare cash to cover an unplanned purchase you have a few options to choose from. The type of finance that you opt for can depend on whether you’re looking to make a larger or smaller …

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Rates & Costs

  Small Personal Loans Medium Personal Loans
Loan Amount $300 - $2,000 $2,001 - $5,000
Loan Term 91 Days - 12 months 3 - 24 months
Costs 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
Example 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’l
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