January 25, 2021

Need to Save Money Fast? Breezy Can Help You Out!

There’s no doubt about it that saving money can be hard. We have so many expenses in life that the idea of trying to consistently put money into a savings account can seem almost impossible. Or is it? There are several different steps you can take to start building your savings account. While these steps aren’t going to make you into an instant millionaire, they are a great way to jump-start your savings and help you on your way to financial success. Take a look here are Breezys top tips on ways to save money, fast!

Our Top Tips

1. Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions

Subscriptions tend to get expensive, without you even realising how much money they’re draining from your account on a fortnightly or monthly basis. Cancel unnecessary subscriptions and deposit that money into your savings account instead.

2. Sell Unused Items

You know that saying, “one mans trash is another mans treasure”? Well, it’s true! Rather than throwing out your unused clothing or technology, why not upsell it on Gumtree, eBay or Amazon? You’d be surprised what other people are willing to spend cash on.

3. Set Up Automatic Payments

Having automatic payments set up for your bills is a great way to save money. Avoid paying late or missed payment fees and save yourself time and effort by ensuring your bills are all paid on time.

4. Set Yourself A Budget

Set yourself a spending budget for each pay cycle that you’re not allowed to go over. Once your bills and essential expenses such as food and transport are paid, deposit the rest of your money into your savings account and don’t touch it unless it’s an emergency.

5. Pay with Cash

Withdraw your spending money for the week in cash and avoid using your EFTPOS or credit card. Having cash on hand makes it a lot easier to track how much you have spent.

6. Set A Control on Your Card

Some banking apps let you set spending limits on your accounts or payment cards. This control or limit is a great way to stop yourself from spending more than you want.

7. Sign Up For Rewards And Loyalty Programs

Rewards points and discount programs are a fantastic way to save yourself a bunch of money. You can get discounts on everything from food and gas to pharmacy and household items. And remember, the more you use your discount or rewards programs, the more you save.

8. Change Banks

Found a bank that offers you different terms, better interest rates or lower account keeping fees? Why not consider changing banks and save yourself a bunch of money.

9. Stop Eating Out

Eating out regularly can get really expensive. Take the time to cook at home and see just how much money you can save.

10. Use Public Transport

Sick of paying for expensive parking fees on top of gas and maintenance costs? Why not use public transport to get to work and save yourself some cash.

11. Invest in A Bicycle

If youre close enough to, why not invest in a bike and start riding to work? save money and get fit at the same time.

12. Bulk Buy Your Food

Bulk buy your non-perishable food and stock up on everything you need. You’ll save yourself a lot of money by shopping at wholesale stores.

13. Choose the Generic Brands

Unbranded, generic supermarket items are usually tons cheaper than your typical branded items and they’re usually just as good as your more expensive options.

14. Refinance Your Loans

Did you know that if you could save yourself thousands of dollars, simply by having a little shop around to see if you can get a better deal on your personal loans or mortgage? Refinancing is a great option to take if it’s available to you.

15. Free Entertainment

You don’t have to stay at home to have a cheap night and avoid spending money. With just a little research you can find tons of free events around you. From underground music festivals to food festivals or art exhibits, there’s always something going on around you if you are willing to look.

16. Save Your Spare Coins

Spare coins can add up, fast. Save all those coins you normally discard or spend and see just how much money it can add up to.

17. Have A Night In

Inviting friends over for a night in is a great way to save some money but still have a great time socializing. From home-cooked dinners to movies and snack nights, a night in is a great way to save money.

18. Turn Off Unused Power Points and Lights

Not using a light or power point? Turn it off! Turning off anything you’re not using can. save you plenty of money on your power bill, and it’s great for the environment

19. Buy Used

You don’t always have to buy brand new stuff. Take a look at Facebook Marketplace or Gumtree and see if you can get the same item second hand. You can often save yourself a lot of money for an item that looks as new.

20. De Cutter Your Home And Life

Is your home starting to feel a bit cluttered and overwhelming? Why not adopt a bit of minimalism and do a big spring clean of your home? You can sell anything you no longer need and get rid of a bunch of stuff you no longer use. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Saving Money Can Be Easier Than Expected

You don’t have to be a millionaire to successfully create yourself a healthy savings account. All you need is a bit of creativity and some self-control and you’ll be well on the way to saving some serious cash, fast. Start implementing some of these tips and get started on the road to financial success and freedom.

Don’t forget to deposit any money you manage to save into your savings account and watch that balance start to grow.

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Loan Amount $300 - $2,000 $2,001 - $5,000
Loan Term 91 Days - 12 months 3 - 24 months
Costs 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
Example 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’l
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