January 25, 2021

Top 10 Tips For Financial Success-Breezy Loans

Financial Success Is Only A Good Routine Away | Breezy’s Top Tips For Success

When it comes to financial success, it can often feel like its much easier said than done. You have goals you want to achieve but you're left wondering where to even start. Perhaps you want to completely overhaul your life and finances to get the most out of your money. Or, you might have the ultimate goal of being financially successful and independent.

Regardless of what your end goal is, getting a bit of help can go a long way to putting you on the right track. It’s no surprise then that many of us turn to the experts to try and figure out what exactly it is that they’re doing differently and how we can replicate their success.

Contrary to popular belief, it’s never too late to start something new. There’s no better time to start forming new habits, especially if these habits will further your financial goals and help you on your way to success. Whether you’re looking for purely financial tips and tricks or life hacks that will help you overall, the following 10 tips can get you on the road to financial success!

Top tips for financial success

1. Create a morning routine

You’ve probably heard that it’s the things we do every day that make us successful. A lot of financially successful people find that their morning routines are a huge part of what makes them successful. Regular practices such as a regular wake-up time, meditation, exercise, checking their finances, or daily planning are some of their most helpful practices and set them up for a good day ahead.

You can start small by incorporating things such as 30-minutes of exercise or meditation, a glass of lemon water, or tracking your expenses every morning and build your routine from there. Remember that it only takes approximately 66 days to form a new habit or routine.

2. Track your daily expenses

This is one of the most crucial tips to follow if you want to tap into financial success. Tracking where each dollar goes can be a huge eye-opener when it comes to realizing how you’re spending your money, and how to curb those bad spending habits.

Whether you decide to look through your bank statements each morning or you have utilized the benefits of financial apps that track and group your spending accordingly, keeping an eye on your daily expenses will go a long way towards financial success.

3. Needs vs. wants don’t buy what you don’t need

This can be tricky for many people. In the modern age where purchasing something is as easy as tapping your card or even your phone taking a step back and thinking about a purchase can be harder than you would think. Impulse shopping can be a difficult habit to break and it can take a conscious effort on your part to avoid purchasing luxury items that are definitely more of a want than a need. The more mindful you are, the more financially successful you are likely to be.

4. Automate your finances

This is a great place to start for anyone who has a habit of forgetting to pay their bills on time. Sett up automatic payments for your essential expenses such as rent/mortgage, loan repayments, and credit card bills. Not only can this take a huge weight off your shoulders but it will ensure that everything is paid on time and you aren’t spending money that is necessary for your essential expenses.

5. Set constant small and realistic goals

While having a big long-term goal to work towards is always a great idea, sometimes it can seem incredibly far away. A great way to work towards your bigger goals is by setting smaller goals that are a bit more realistic to achieve in the short term.
The sense of accomplishment you will feel when youre constantly achieving your smaller goals will keep you well on track to achieving that bigger long-term goal that youve been working towards.

Breaking your bigger goals up into small and realistic goals is a great way to be financially successful and keep a measure of your success as you go.

6. Set a budget

Knowing where your money is going is key to controlling your expenses and finances. Setting yourself a budget and following it can be a huge help when you’re working towards a big purchase or working towards building up your savings account. Budgeting allows you to ensure that all your goals are being met while also allowing you to put aside some spending money for each paycheck as well. This could be considered ongoing tracking of your finances.

7. Review your bills when they come in

Many financially successful people will sit down and review their bills when they receive them. Knowing where your money is going and ensuring that youre not being overcharged is a key daily activity to being financially successful. Its also a great way to stay accountable as you will be looking at how youre spending your money. Constant overviews of your finances will allow you to cut out any of those ‘wants that you may have missed when assessing your finances.

8. Passive income or Side hustle

It feels like income barely covers the basic expenses of life these days. So, how are you supposed to get ahead when you’re barely making ends meet? By making use of your time and skills, that’s how! Rather than sitting on your couch binging Netflix every evening, why not put your skills and knowledge to good use?

Many of us have skills or business ideas that we can turn into profitable side hustles or forms of passive income. Set aside an hour or two a day to work on your side hustle or and you’ll be amazed at just how fast you start bringing in some extra money. Whether you use this to pay off your debts, save for a house deposit, or build your savings account that much faster, the side hustle is a great step to take on your journey towards financial success.

9. Don’t compare your journey to that of someone else

This is something that we probably all fall into from time to time. It can be hard not to compare yourself to others, especially when they seem to already have everything that you’re still working towards. This is a habit that most financially successful individuals tend to avoid.

Simply put, your journey is your own. What worked for someone else may not work for you. How and when you attain your financial and life goals are entirely individual to you, so stop comparing yourself to others. Rather than wasting time trying to keep up with the Joneses, focus on yourself and your own financial goals. You’ll find that when you stop comparing yourself to others you’ll have a lot more time and energy to start working towards and achieving your own goals.

10. Look to the future

For many people who have been financially successful, it wasn’t an overnight decision. You’ll find that many started working towards their goal a long time ago. The difference between these people and those who haven’t yet attained financial success is their ability to plan for the long term. Setting and keeping a long-term financial goal in sight while also focusing on your short-term goals is a fantastic habit to get into early.

The keys to being financially successful

Financial success doesn’t have to be out of your reach. Rather than just coasting through life hoping and wishing that your finances were looking a bit healthier, why not start adopting some of these tried and true habits? Not only will they set you up for a good day, but you’ll know exactly where you stand financially.

Financial success is about routines and habits. Establishing a good pattern of behavior and utilizing your money well will take you a long way towards financial success. Having control of your money and knowing exactly where it is going is incredibly important when it comes to financial success.

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Rates & Costs

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Loan Amount $300 - $2,000 $2,001 - $5,000
Loan Term 91 Days - 12 months 3 - 24 months
Costs 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
Example 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’l
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