January 25, 2021

How Payday Loans Can Help You Get Back on Track to Financial Health

For many of us, the journey towards good financial health can be a long and winding one. Life can often get in the way and we can be caught short of being able to make a payment or don’t have the money to cover an unexpected expense. It’s easy to feel a sense of failure and responsibility when this happens, but the reality is that it happens to everyone.

So, when this does happen to you, how can you get back on track towards great financial health without letting it get the best of you? The answer could be payday loans. Not sure how payday loans can help get you back on track to financial health? Take a look here.

Payday loans can help you consolidate your debt

When you have multiple debts and payments going out of your account it can be easy to fall behind and feel overwhelmed by the many payments. While they may be small amounts that do not seem substantial, when added up, these payments can end up being a serious chunk of change, especially if there are a few of them. One way that you can utilise a payday loan to help you get back on the road towards good financial health is to consolidate your existing debt into one easily manageable payment.

Consolidating your existing debt into one payment allows you to gain greater control over your finances, making it much easier to track your money and payments owing. Additionally, only having one debt or payment to service has the ability to greatly reduce any interest amounts that you might be accruing. This can end up saving you money in the long run.

They can help you meet payments if you’re short on cash

Payday loans are also a quick and easy way to get your hands on some spare can if you have come up short that week. Sometimes, life can get in the way of your work schedule or you may have had your hours temporarily reduced due to unforeseen circumstances. When this happens, you may find that you have come up short in servicing some of your financial commitments.

Or, you may get hit with an unexpected payment such as an unforeseen dental visit that can throw your budget off completely. Getting a payday loan can provide you with the small amount of cash that you need to make these payments and get through to the next paycheck. A payday loan can help you out of a tight bind and help to ensure that you stay on track towards financial health.

Just remember to always use payday loans smartly

The key to utilizing payday loans to help keep on track towards financial well-being and health is to use them smartly. Know when to use them and how. Never rely on payday loans to constantly get you through as you may soon find that you are accruing more debt than you can pay off.

Multiple payday loans can be just as difficult to pay off as other debts will be. This can lead to you being in an even worse financial situation and potentially relying on a debt cycle as you take out payday loans to pay off other loans. This is the type of situation. that you want to avoid.

Our top tips to keep in mind

A payday loan can help you stay on track towards financial health if you use them correctly. We recommend you take the following into account before signing a contract for a payday loan:

● Never borrow more than you can afford.

● Try to avoid having multiple payday loans at once.

● Don’t rely on payday loans to constantly see you through to your next payday.

● Always read your contract before signing it to ensure you are familiar with the terms,
payments and applicable fees.

● If you utilise a payday loan to help consolidate your other debts such as a credit card
balance or personal loan, never start charging more to those debts you just cleared.
We know how tempting it can be to go out on a shopping spree with a freshly paid-off
credit card, but you will just end up maxing out your card again and you’ll now have
multiple debts to pay off again.

● Always be sure to keep an eye on your credit report your credit report will help
provide you with an overall indication of how your financial health is looking. Knowing
what your credit score is and how it is faring is always a good idea.

Think of a payday loan as a tool to be shaped

Payday loans have gotten a bad reputation in the past due to some shady lenders offering people more than they can afford to pay off. With bad lending practices and previously sky-high interest rates that were often not regulated, many people are skeptical that a payday loan or small personal loan can provide any good benefits to your financial health.

However, we tend to think of small personal loans orpayday loans as simply nothing more than a tool. A tool that can be utilized for your benefit, when utilized properly. Just like any tool they can be misused or abused, however, we’re confident that with the right steps, they can help you out when you need them to. They can help you get back on track to financial health, especially if you choose the right lender.

Get in contact with our team today

Here at Breezy Loans, we specialize in providing our clients with payday loans that they can trust. We’re here to prove that a payday loan can be the positive tool you need to help you keep working towards financial health. If you need a small cash boost to get you through to the next pay or you have been hit with an unexpected expense, we can assist you in getting through to the next payday.

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Rates & Costs

  Small Personal Loans Medium Personal Loans
Loan Amount $300 - $2,000 $2,001 - $5,000
Loan Term 91 Days - 12 months 3 - 24 months
Costs 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
Example 1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’ll know this as an APR) %.
3. In APR terms, the maximum annual percentage rate on these SACC loans between $300 and $2000 is 199.43%.
1. Most small personal loan providers charge up to 20% as an establishment fee upfront. You’ll then pay a 4% monthly fee.
2. Under the current legislation, most small personal loan providers don’t charge an annual interest rate (you’l
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